Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Perplexed" in Linn Township

A reader replied to a previous posting:

Perplexed in linn township said...

We moved here and bought a 100yr old house on 1 1/2 acres in the Washburn/Lowpoint area in Ocotber of 06. This house was last sold in 1990 . Our 06 tax bill was $1400 and some change. We've just received a notice of revised tax assessment . The previous equalized value assessed in 06 was 23,500 and there had been NO work or improvements done to this house since septic was put in in late 05 by previous owners . The NEW equalized assessment for 07 is 64,230--meaning our 07 bill will be almost 5,000 !!Thats like a 300% increase ! Weve heard we have the worst schools and thought we'd have the lowest taxes around in Woodford county ?(We homeschool 7 children and live on one income).

To top all this off we found out a few months after buying this house that they are going to widen the road and will be taking it all from our side . Our home is already very close to the road and in essence doing this they will be destroying ANY value our home has--and yet they are raising our taxes by 300%. We feel like we've been hit by a semi in all of this and don't quite know what to do. Any thoughts?

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