Monday, October 20, 2008

Those with eyes to see; Those with ears to hear . . .

Yes. We're back. We've been silent trying to let things play out politically trusting the common sense of the American people.

These are critical times. There is the real possibility now that we will have a leftist president with leftist extreme majorities in the U.S. House and Senate. It may already be too late to stop some of the agendas already being primed and seeded. We think the most disturbing of these are the demise of publicly funded presidential campaigns and the much desired Democrat initiatives to end private voting for unionization drives and the "equal time" laws which are designed to silence "liberal" critics.

Do not lose faith in the face of these trends. Recognize that a Democrat "run" at the national level will engender great disappointment and disillusionment in the Obama maniacs. There is no way the promises can be kept.

One way or another, Americans will eventually face up to their destinies and do what they always have done, which is become more self reliant, industrious, and common sensical.

Let those with eyes to see - see; let those with ears to hear - hear.
All will be well.

This is not a time to hunker down. This is a time to stand up for truth, fact, and common sense. Act locally. Tell your school districts, library districts, county governments, and all other taxing authorities that you will not stand for more spending and more taxing. These folks have been riding on ever increasing property assessments. Those days are finished for several years to come. It's time to pull in the budgets and build reserves - not spend like the past.

We will reinvigorate this site to assist in the effort. We thank you for all of your past support.

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