Friday, January 30, 2009

"Stimulus" $2 Billion for HeadStart; $50 Million For NASA

As more industries continue to beg President Obama for money from the next $819 billion economic plan, NASA was largely left out of the latest stimulus package.

Although Obama said the next $819 billion -- which was approved by the House -- will be another step towards other money packages, NASA was not granted $2 billion for space exploration and Orion development. NASA officials were dismayed to find they were only given $50 million from the House, despite the high costs of developing a next-generation space craft and repairing damage caused by Hurricane Ike.

Despite problems in the House, NASA officials hope to have better luck with the Senate bill, if all goes according to plan. Some politicians are upset there is so much money being granted towards social programs while programs such as NASA are trying to scrape together funding for future missions to Mars and moon.

By the way, the House included an additional $2 billions for Headstart programs. Other than stimulating social programs, what the heck kind of "stimulus" priority is that? When the headstart kids grow up I guess they can become social workers but not NASA engineers.

As an aside, although infrastructure construction and repair creates jobs, what help is that to my unemployed office worker friend, my unemployed banking friend, and my unemployed copy writer friend? Should they all be "retrained" to be union construction workers and move to other states where the pork projects are located?

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