Thursday, November 16, 2006

School District 140 avoids "Truth in Taxation" - barely

Eureka-Congerville-Goodfield CUSD #140 is asking for around $270,000 more with their property tax extension levy this year versus last. That's about $165 per student enrolled.

The tax increase is around 4.3 %. Is it co-incidental that it comes in just under the 5% level which would trigger public hearings?

The District School Board would have us believe that there is no tax increase, because the tax rate won't change much, but as always, the budget and the extension tell the true story; not the rate, not the EAV, not abatements.

The Board is pocketing the tax rate ($4.48 per $100 EAV) multiplied by the increase in the value of property taxed. It's a built in budget increase every year for ALL taxing authorities.

Unfortunately, our property tax bill goes up no matter what they call it.

Some folks retort, "hey - your home is WORTH more! You should pay more."

We say something only has value when it is sold. Tax us then. Otherwise, you're taxing our savings and retirement - our assets, and we can't keep up. The CUSD 140 extension over the last ten years has doubled. And they, comparatively, do a GOOD job.

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